Build an MBA Foundations Course for Credit

Use 5 of the Ivy Software prerequisite courses to make a cost effective, easily staffed MBA foundations course for credit.  This 5-week course utilizes the following Ivy Software prerequisite courses: Business Math and Statistics, Financial Accounting, Fundamentals of Economics, Managerial Accounting and Understanding Corporate Finance.  This course takes minimal administration to run and can be offered several times a year.  Check out the following video form Ivy Software’s session at the 2023 ICAM conference where the University of West Florida discusses how they created their foundations course using the 5 Ivy Software courses.

Increasing Enrollments by Using Ivy Software

Check out the following video of our session from the 2021 virtual ICAM conference where we discuss how Southeastern Oklahoma State University increased their MBA program enrollments dramatically by using Ivy Software courses along with a third party.

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