William J. Russell, J.D., M.B.A.
Ethical Foundations
General Principles of Business Behavior
Business and Employees
Business and Customers/Public
Business and Investors
Designed for graduate or undergraduate business students.
The purpose of this course is to provide managers with a foundation of ethical principles for their role within the framework of the business environment.
Chapter 1 The chapter defines ethics and outlines the historic approaches such as deontology and teleology. Ethics in business in both the United States and internationally are also discussed.
Chapter 2 This chapter discusses the role of ethics in the framework of business. This includes ethics in the corporate culture and specific examples such as corporate ethics programs, marketing and advertising, and whistleblowing.
Chapter 3 The chapter touches on specific employee topics such as hiring, privacy and termination. Corporate ethics issues in the legal realm include discrimination, affirmative action, diversity, harassment, and property theft are discussed.
Chapter 4 This chapter focuses ethical concepts that affect a business and their interaction with customers including such topics as: advertising and marketing, pricing, anti-trust, and product safety. Government.s role with business is also included with discussion of intellectual property rights and lobbying.
Chapter 5 The chapter focuses on the role of ethics in topics of investment. Beginning with accounting principles and securities trading, the chapter expands to topics such as Sarbanes-Oxley, Philanthropy and corporate governance within a business.